Daily Archives: June 15, 2014

Coming home

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Tough one here.

Tough year.

I think we all had our own moments with Tony those last few months, and we all couldn’t respect him more for being there for Year 11. He never missed one, and never will. Only The Carlson can say the same in terms of full sessions, and for some reason, I expect he’ll be able to keep that streak intact, the only streak I’d ever approve of him doing.

In his revamped, revived and reviled role as host and mix master, The Carlson talks about Year 11 of the Symposium in this podcast, the last one with Tony with us. So, if you dare, click here to listen to The Carlson drone on and forget his whereabouts repeatedly.

And if you want, leave a memory of Tony in the comment section. I’ll start (even though I’m not doing it in the comments):

The last time I can remember seeing Tony alive was in August of Year 11, well after the Symposium. I came home and we went to a Cubs game. I think Heather’s dad gave us the tickets, and we had good seats, but he really struggled. It was a long, hard day (aren’t all Cubs games, really?) but he made it through and he seemed pretty happy to get to Wrigley. I think he went one last time (probably with Dave) after that, but it was pretty cool to go with him especially because him and I never really did anything together without Aaron.

The reason I really remember this trip is because I don’t typically keep sporting event tickets (I keep concert tickets, but not tickets to games), but a couple years later, I found the ticket to that game in my wallet (yeah, I clean it out that often). It was against the Pirates and I immediately knew it was from my game with Tony. I still have it and carry it in the little travel pouch I keep my passport and important papers when I go on the road. I always have that with me at the Symposium, and it’s kinda like I’m bringing him home with me to Alpha. At least I like to think so, and I hope you have your own way you bring him too.