Category Archives: Brats

Year 2, or better known to all of us as ‘Aaron should be ashamed’

Yukon Pete, the Neckshot and the introduction of Bitch.

These topics are sacred ground for the Symposium and the full content of these events will never be revealed. But, like all state secrets, they’ll eventually end up on Wikileaks, so why not just get some of it out on our terms?

Well, I’m sure that’s Carlson’s reasoning, being the impressive PR genius that he is.

The bigger thing is this: Has he been keeping a journal this whole time? Where’s he coming up with all these things to talk about?

Like the King of the Schmack? I’d forgotten about that 12 years ago, but he pops it out like he just watched the video of the weekend last night. [Editor’s Note: If there is actual video of this event, I will offer you $1,000,000,000, 067 for it. If you won’t sell, I will hunt you down. It will be mine–and then burned.]

Anyway, he’s obviously been taking notes without telling anyone. Well, all except the ‘The Bluff’ which, obviously, there’s no way Carlson could ever forget it. Well played, sir, well played.

So, anyway, here you go. Year 2 of the Symposium, complete with new segments and sound effects. No seriously, Carlson is so technologically advanced he put in sound effects.

I’ll be honest here, I’m impressed. And scared. Very scared.

Listen here

This is what it’s all about

Unlike my personal blog, which is awesome and cool and awesome (read it, bitches:, this CCMP blog is more about short, quick posts, things that are easy to digest. You know, it’s a lot like you want your brats: meaty, maybe with a little cheese and beer.

So, we’ll get right to it:

  1. The guy who wrote this blog should be a member of the CCMP.
  2. This site is pretty sweet and you should read it.
  3. The May centerfold in Playboy has the best rack I’ve seen in that magazine in a long, long time. Well worth your time checking it out. And there’s a great article on beef, how to cut it, cook it, buy it and side dishes. Read that too… after finding the centerfold.
  4. Don’t forget to say happy birthday to the stars this week, especially on April 25: San Antonio Spurs star Tim Duncan (1976), “My Name Is Earl” actor Jason Lee (1970), “Bridget Jones” actress Renee Zellweger (1969), “The Simpsons” voice talent Hank Azaria (1964), “Rocky” actress Talia Shire (1946), “The Godfather” actor Al Pacino (1940).
  5. There are less than 60 days remaining until the start of Symposium 2011… unless you are Aaron and then it’s a day later.