Category Archives: Top-10 lists

Hey there, Fuckers

Yes, life is complicated.

You have work. And then you go home. There’s kids, and bills, and housework, and yardwork, and going places, and, and, and, and.

You get it. Shit is piling on. Life is rolling along and one day you’re 25, sitting in a bar in Dinkytown, Iowa, drinking a beer with a buddy for like eight straight hours (Okay, only one of us was drinking that whole time, but seriously, Aaron had a real job by then), and the next moment, the credit cards are maxed and you’re more concerned about “getting snipped” than getting laid. Okay, well, the cards are totaled anyway.

Well, we’re  here to give you a reprieve.

Make your plans now and join us June 23-26, 2011, for a therapeutic weekend of manly bliss known as the Symposium on Male Bonding, or in short, CCMP. It’s the four days a year we all have lived for for more than 15 years. You haven’t forgotten how much it means to your well-being, have you?

And if you don’t care to join us, well, that’s fine. Then fuck you. We better see you again next year. Pussy.

In the meantime, check back here often. We’ll try to keep some stuff fresh here. The Facebook page Aaron started is rolling pretty well, but this will be a spot where I will probably toss out some random shit, post about some great new toy I saw in Playboy this month or just bitch about Dwin. Whatever.

And if you want to have your voice heard, just let me know (jtrickie (at) We can get you a login that you can jump on here and join in the fun. But if not, I like to hear myself talk enough to carry us for a while.